Our clients that have fully implemented structured Collaborative Partnering on their projects tell us that they are saving 10-30% on installed costs.  We know that most projects suffer from a growing number of claims, overruns and expanding time-lines.  So why doesn’t everyone buy in and implement structured Collaborative Partnering?

It is a disruptive process. It is designed to disrupt the “things as usual” approach to your projects and instead requires that the team adhere to the principles of collaboration. The disruptive nature of structured Collaborative Partnering is why it works. It is also why many people don’t implement it on their projects. It is uncomfortable. It takes effort. It takes commitment.

Structured Collaborative Partnering is a disruptive process, but boy it is worth it! Wouldn’t you like to save 10-30% on the cost of your projects? Think of how many other things you could build, or do, with that kind of savings.  You might want to allow for disruption to occur and start the journey to creating a truly collaborative culture on your projects.


OrgMetrics Construction Scorecard™
Your Small projects can use the Construction Scorecard™ to provide feedback, focus and accountability for their projects. This allows the team to know what they need to do in order to succeed!

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By |2017-06-18T01:55:40-07:00June 27th, 2016|Articles|0 Comments

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