
Partnering Projects

Project Partnering2020-03-25T11:34:41-07:00

Project Partnering

Every project has its challenges. Far too many dollars go to claims, inefficiencies and lost productivity. These dollars could be used to build things. There is no doubt that the construction industry needs to become more collaborative. The nature of the relationships on a construction project are “interdependent”. Because of our interdependence, no one working on a project can just walk away from issues and succeed. We must have the cooperation of the other team members, who hold our success in their hands as much as we hold it in our own.

Based on a highly effective model that has proven itself over the past three decades, OrgMetrics Momentum Partnering™ model has been used on over 3000 projects. The result of a successfully partnered project is a culture shift from the traditional adversarial relationship to project implementation with improved productivity, fewer claims and increased engagement and satisfaction by the people working on the project.


“Hensel Phelps has had great success using OrgMetrics to facilitate our project partnering. They are renowned in the industry as experts in Partnering and we appreciate their commitment to our projects’ success!”
– Jim Pappas, VP and District Manager Hensel Phelps Construction Co.

“OrgMetrics is the pioneer in structured Partnering. Ghilotti Bros partners every project. We believe in partnering. We know that it works. We trust OrgMetrics to facilitate for our projects!”
– Mike Ghilotti, President, Ghilotti Bros

Momentum Partnering Process

OrgMetrics Momentum PartneringTM

Today projects bring together many different organizations. So projects are a team of teams. Momentum Project Partnering is a structured culture change/development process that sets the norms for collaboration amongst all of the project team stakeholders and then holds them accountable for following through with their commitments. The OrgMetrics Momentum Partnering Model offers a collaborative operating system that helps teams become focused, aligned and accountable. This has the same effect as putting a nozzle on a garden hose. With the same amount of resources running through the hose, the nozzle focuses the spay so that you get exponentially greater force and momentum.  These teams create extraordinary results..

Momentum PartneringTM can be utilized on individual projects. It provides an overall structure for construction programs. And it can assist alignment both internally and with external stakeholders.

Partnering Projects
Developing Collaborative Organizations
Measuring Results
Resolving Disputes

The International Partnering Institute’s award applicants in 2011-2016 say that they saved $114 for every dollar they spent on partnering. How would you like to have a 100% Return-on-your-investment? That is what OrgMetrics Collaborative PartneringTM can do on your next project.

OrgMetrics Small Project PartneringTM


Designed for projects under $10M, OrgMetrics also offers Small Project PartneringTM. It is the same proven approach used on larger projects, but delivered in a different manner – virtually. Now the team can come together wherever they are, to co-create their Charter and commitments. The same OrgMetrics Momentum Partnering™ elements are utilized at about ½ the cost of a face-to-face session.

Here is what teams are saying about Small Project PartneringTM

  • Virtual Partnering (VP) provided the opportunity to meet the team at all levels, develop expectations and mutually create goals
  • The process was well moderated and kept moving
  • The Scorecard was helpful for the executives to take the pulse of the team and see any potential issues
  • Virtual Partnering was very convenient and makes the meeting more manageable
  • (The process) assisted with the team delivering on the tight time frames for this job
  • I was pleasantly surprised by how this process broke the ice and allowed us to meet and greet the team
  • The follow-on session was helpful and allowed the team to get more interaction from the stakeholder participants

Give us a call today to start partnering your small projects! | 925-449-8300

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