We are thrilled to share OrgMetrics’ new logo and website and hope you will spend a few minutes to check it out! We worked with an outstanding local business 360 Web Designs to curate our new web experience. There were several reasons we wanted to update our website.

Share Project Stories

Visit our Projects and Awards pages to read about some of our most outstanding projects and project teams who we have worked with from SFO Harvey Milk Terminal 1 to the SFPUC 1550 Evans St. Southeast Community Center, from BART HQ to the CalTrain Peninsula Electrification Program. Each of these teams developed an outstanding product while overcoming significant challenges. We hope you enjoy some of the great photos and the stories behind them.

A screenshot of OrgMetrics' News webpage


Highlight Thought Leadership

Our mission is to improve the construction industry one project, one team, and one organization at a time. A key way we give back to the industry is through our weekly newsletter. Our team shares success stories, emerging research, and ideas to improve your communication and teamwork. With our new website you can subscribe to the newsletter, search our articles archive, and learn more from our outstanding team of facilitators.

Since we launched the weekly newsletter in 2020, it has become common for our subscribers to share our newsletters and messages with their teams and organizations. Our new WordPress site means that we are able to organize the newsletters by topic and make the archive searchable. I hope you take a minute to subscribe to the newsletter and enjoy a deep dive on any of the topics that you deem helpful. We have great content for you if you are seeking to craft an internal team-building process or would like to fix your progress meeting. Contact us if you would like some advice or if you are looking for some ideas… If we haven’t already written about it we would love your input!

Introduce You to Our Growing Team

An organization is only as strong as its people and we have an amazing team. I hope you will invest a few minutes to check out our Partnering Facilitators (Sue, Cinda and I), our outstanding Scorecard Team (Bruce and Samantha), and our amazing administrative support staff (Tonya, Jennifer, and Louisa). Click on each of our photos to learn more about us including our “Go Tos” where we share a few of our interests outside of the office.

OrgMetrics' new logo (2024)

Share our New Logo

The new OrgMetrics Logo includes a wink to our past and inspires our forward movement. We have kept our brand colors of teal and construction orange. The three arcs with the dots are intended to show forward movement and thrust and was inspired by our Founder Sue Dyer’s Partnering Model “The Nozzle Effect.” In the nozzle effect, we highlight how partnering serves like a nozzle attached to the end of a hose. At a high level, the nozzle takes water running through a long tube and applies focus, tightening the water into a high powered spray, which shoots out of the hose 10x faster than it can when you simply let it drizzle out of the end of a typical hose. Project teams work the same way and the goal alignment, accountability, and Scorecard process involved in structured Collaborative Partnering help teams achieve extraordinary results on a regular basis.

So thank you again for your years of support. We hope that you enjoy our new website for its updated design features, vastly improved functionality, and enhanced access to our newsletter content. Please enjoy cruising around the site and send us your feedback!

– Rob

robRob Reaugh is President of OrgMetrics LLC. He facilitates the City and County of San Francisco Collaborative Partnering Steering Committee and currently works with San Francisco International Airport, San Jose International Airport, BART, Caltrans, and others. He holds a Masters’ Degree in Alternative Dispute Resolution.

For more information please contact Rob Reaugh, / (925) 487-2404 (cell), or OrgMetrics, (925) 449-8300. 

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