Do you know how to predict project team success? When we come together to start a new project, we likely know the companies who are going to be working on the job, but we don’t know specifically know who we are going to be working with. Nor do we have any control over who we work with. But we hope it all works out. We hope the team gels so it can solve the problems they will face over the life of the project.

The #1 Predictor of a High Trust Project Team 

The #1 predictor of whether or not your project team will become high performing is their level of TRUST. Has your team developed a high enough level of trust so that they are TRANSPARENT? If your team does not feel “safe” sharing the problems they see today and along the way, you won’t know what is happening and what is or isn’t working and you won’t be able to tap into the collective wisdom of your team to solve the problems you encounter. This sets up the team for poor communication, lack of coordination, and conflict which creates the need to protect and blame. High predictors of project failure.

For your project team to operate with transparency, you must first work to build trust and collaboration as the way you operate as a team. The three IPI Team Project Leader Certification Courses provide a proven and researched framework and tools for your project team members to know how to create a high trust mindset and culture. Your team will learn how to embed these into its core values, fostering a culture of trust and strong collaboration.

Project Leadership courses - learn how to ensure project team success

Explore if the training is a fit for your team

#1 Predictor of a High Performing Project Team 

Construction projects are comprised of dozens of different organizations that must come together to build a project. Each organization puts together their project team. All these teams-of teams form a construction project team. With so many organizations and individuals working together, team ALIGNMENT becomes the critical factor for ensuring smooth operation. In fact, alignment is the top predictor of whether your team will achieve high performance. The Collaborative Partnering Framework is specifically designed to foster this alignment.

Collaborative Partnering defined

The project team-of-teams alignment, focus, and commitment creates the “nozzle effect” for your project. It allows you to melt away complexity so your team-of-teams becomes ONE team, focused on the success of your project. The team members get smarter, better, and faster, as they are aligned and focused on what they are working to accomplish together. This allows the team to have far less wasted effort, and much greater momentum. And the entire project becomes more enjoyable for the team members even when there are large problems. They are working together to solve the problems, and they can tap into the collective wisdom of the entire team to do so. Below is a graphic of the Partnering 3.0 operating system. It includes the IPI Team Project Leader Certification training + the Collaborative Partnering Framework.

Partnering 3.0 Operating System

Take the little assessment below to explore the level of Transparency and Alignment you have on your project. Of course, you can ask your other team members for their numbers as well. This should open a good dialogue on what you can do to increase each of these on your project!! You will also have a pretty good predictor of what is going to happen and ideas for what you and the team can do to improve your outcome.

Team transparency and alignment assessment

Until next month, Construction Nation.


Sue Dyer, MBA, MIPI is a Master Partnering Facilitator & Founder for OrgMetrics LLC, WSJ bestselling author on Trusted Leadership for construction leaders, Founder of the International Partnering Institute, and President of sudyco® LLC. You can contact Sue at or 510 504-5877.


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