It is my honor to introduce Kate Stewart to our community as OrgMetrics LLC’s newest Partnering Facilitator. Kate has dedicated her professional career to helping organizations and teams align and manage complex initiatives and projects. I hope you will join us in welcoming her.

Kate brings 25 years of experience as a trusted advisor and neutral party across diverse industries, disciplines, and environments. She has worked on some incredible projects, including serving as the Partnering Facilitator on the $1.5 billion Kansas City International Airport New Terminal project, which ranked in the top 4% of mega airport construction projects globally. She has remarked how honored she feels to have contributed to a project that positively impacts tens of thousands of lives and how that sparked her interest in joining our firm.

Kate recently shared, “My greatest professional satisfaction comes from helping teams and individuals navigate competing interests to solve problems together. When everyone benefits and trust is built, there’s a sense of pride in a job well done. People actually enjoy working together! Since we spend most of our time at work, helping folks feel good about those hours brings me immense joy.”

Based in southwest Montana, Kate brings a diverse background working with organizations and teams in the Midwest, Texas, the DC Metro Area, New York, and Florida. She has supported large, complex mega programs; worked with first responder teams; supported hospital systems, Fortune 500 companies, ISAF in Afghanistan, and nonprofit community projects; and conducted international research.

Throughout her career, Kate has tapped into the collective wisdom of teams to deliver outstanding results, which aligns with OrgMetrics’ philosophies and mission. We are excited to have her join our team and help inspire the construction industry – one project, one team, and one organization at a time – to achieve exceptional results.

Please feel free reach out directly to Kate at to share words of support or discuss any potential opportunities. She will be a regular contributor to our newsletter and thought leadership and will be a great resource to you, your organizations, and your project teams.

Thank you!

– Rob

robRob Reaugh is President of OrgMetrics LLC. He facilitates the City and County of San Francisco Collaborative Partnering Steering Committee and currently works with San Francisco International Airport, San Jose International Airport, BART, Caltrans, and others. He holds a Masters’ Degree in Alternative Dispute Resolution.

For more information please contact Rob Reaugh, / (925) 487-2404 (cell), or OrgMetrics, (925) 449-8300.

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