As we all know, those on the naughty list never get goodies from Santa. “Santa is watching” is a threat my parents successfully used to calm the sugar-induced highs of four kids in the weeks approaching Christmas. This reminder would immediately have the desired results – arguing would stop, sharing would begin and the house would be quieter. Why is this phrase so magical?

Because we all know what it means. We understand what good looks like; we understand what bad looks like. How does this apply to construction projects? It’s simple – we need to clearly communicate expectations and ask questions until we are in alignment with our partners. For example, we work together until we all have the same vision for what a good submittal looks like or what detail is needed for a change order proposal. Even though it is common sense, many teams stop short of full implementation. Lucky for us, Santa shared five tips for creating solid alignment on expectations. And for a chuckle, I’ve demonstrated them with childhood examples.


Get Together. Yes, set aside some dedicated time for the subject and meet, in person. Not Teams, not Zoom… in real life. Avoid the passive email chain approach that leaves too much to interpretation.

As a kid, I usually had to sit on a kitchen chair for the serious conversations about expectations. Eye-to-eye is the only way parents do it.

Say It. Articulate the expectations and assumptions – the ones in your head. Talk through them with your partner(s).

My curfew was midnight. Unfortunately, I learned this fact when my dad showed up to collect me from a party one night. The advanced discussion would have been far less embarrassing.

Offer Examples. If you have a template that works or is nearly right for this project, share it or model it. Talk through the details so both you and your partner have the same understanding.

Sharing the last cookie is good manners, I eat half and offer you half. Wait … did dad just figure out how to talk me out of half of my cookie?

Anticipate Challenges. Identify problems that have happened on other projects. Collaborate to develop strategies for avoiding them this time.

When dusting the coffee table, remove ALL knickknacks first. Dusting around them is unacceptable… plus, sometimes they get moved and reveal what you did.

Be Flexible. Be open to new perspectives. Embrace the experiences of your team and incorporate new elements into the process that support their needs or improve the outcomes.

Although dinner was usually at 5:00 pm, we adjusted to support Little League games, band concerts and other activities. We kept a poster-sized family calendar to help us all stay aligned. Adjusting the dinner time resulted in full family dinners most nights.

So, dive in and apply Santa’s tips for creating alignment around processes on your project. When you succeed, you’ll have no need to negotiate forgiveness for unsatisfactory outcomes. If you need a little motivation (or just another laugh) click here for “Nuttin for Christmas” lyrics.

Have a wonderful holiday.

~ Cinda

Cinda Bond, MIPI, has been an OrgMetrics partnering facilitator for more than 10 years. She has facilitated more than 500 sessions for teams throughout the country. She also collaborates with engineering and construction teams to develop large documents containing hundreds of pages for construction contracts and proposals.

For more information please contact Cinda Bond, / (925) 640-9007 (cell), or OrgMetrics / (925) 449-8300.

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