You are likely working on a project, or on several projects right now, and this is enormously challenging. We hear all the time how crazy-busy people are – putting out fires, solving the daily problems. This is the way of design and construction. Projects are more and more complex.

How can we really deal with this complexity? I am here to challenge you that one of the best ways to stop putting out fires is to start working ON your project and not just IN your project. Let me explain. Most people work in the trenches every day and rarely get a chance to get their heads up to look around. They are working IN their project, not ON how to improve their project.

What if you stepped back and looked around to understand what is CAUSING the fires? So that you are not just dealing with the symptoms of the problem? The tyranny of the urgent will ALWAYS keep you blind to what you might do make improvements. This is how we see projects get “stuck”. Trapped in a vicious cycle of running from fire to fire.

We often hear from project leaders that they don’t have time for partnering. Or collaboration. Or training. So the cycle grows and often, like a snowball running down hill, it gets bigger and harder to manage. What if you could tap into the collective wisdom of your team and really figure out how to understand and resolve the CORE issues that are creating the fires? That is what structured Collaborative Partnering is designed to do!

What you spend your time on sends a message, loud and clear, to your team about what you value. If you want your team to really look at taking time to do the important things – like developing a clear plan, understanding the core issues that are driving continuous changes, and creating processes or policies that will help everyone get in alignment – then it MUST start with YOU!

Working ON your project will reap great rewards!

OrgMetrics Small Project Scorecard Program

You can use the Construction Scorecard™ to provide feedback, focus, and accountability for your small projects. This allows your team to know what they need to do in order to succeed!

to contact us about the OrgMetrics Small Project Scorecard Program and get your team signed up today!
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