The IPI Partnered Project of the Year Award Applications are now available on the Awards page or download the Microsoft Word version by clicking here.  Application deadline is February 14, 2024.

Are you curious about how to write an award-winning application?

Check out these 5 tips using the San Jose ARFF Diamond Level Award-Winning application as an example:

1.  Review the Judges Criteria and Point System Before Beginning the Application Process.  Knowing what the Judges are looking for before you start writing  can help you focus and expand on important areas to maximize the scores.   (The Judge’s criteria can be found in the application next to each section – see photo below).

2.  Complete the Application as a Team.  Use your resources, the Project Team.  Schedule an online meeting, conference call, or hold a lunch meeting and fill out portions of the application as a team. Use your Lessons Learned Partnering session as an opportunity to collect stories to include in the application. Circulate drafts of the application among project team members to suggest improvements.  Writing a good application takes teamwork.

3.  Include all the Requested Elements.  The application must include all the elements requested to maximize the points available.  Where scores are close, the quality of the application may be the deciding factor.  A comment we often hear from the Judges is that the requested information was never provided even though the page was filled with writing.  The information included should be clear, concise, and well-articulated.  The easier it is for the Judges to find the information they are looking for, the more likely it is the project will score higher.

4.  Provide Examples Throughout the Application.  Examples are a descriptive and concrete way to demonstrate to the Judges how your project was exceptional.  A comment we often hear from the Judges is that the application was difficult to read because there weren’t enough descriptions of the obstacles the team overcame.  A panel of Judges who may have no previous exposure to your project will review and evaluate your project write-up and can only evaluate what you present.

5. Include Quotes to Personalize the Application.  Use any positive messages you get from the project team members, the public, and stakeholders.  These will demonstrate how successful the project was to all involved.

Good luck everyone!

– Rob

rob Rob Reaugh is President of OrgMetrics LLC.  He facilitates the City and County of San Francisco Collaborative Partnering Steering Committee and currently works with San Francisco International Airport, San Jose International Airport, BART, Caltrans, and others.  He holds a Masters’ Degree in Alternative Dispute Resolution.

For more information please contact Rob Reaugh, / (925) 487-2404 (cell), or OrgMetrics, (925) 449-8300.

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