Team Member

Samantha Wieland

Samantha Wieland2020-12-29T10:16:44-08:00

Samantha Wieland

Scorecard Administrator

Sam has served as the Scorecard Administrator since 2014.  She makes sure that the commitments made by the project team members get translated into the Project Partnering Scorecard so they can receive timely feedback.  She is highly detailed (thank goodness) and has six years of experience in client relations.  Sam is always available if you have any questions about your Scorecard.


If you had to choose a different career, what would it be?

I would be a graphic artist.

Who or what inspires you?

My family inspires me (typical answer, but it’s true).

What gives you the most satisfaction in your work?

The most rewarding part of my job is to see the effect my work has in helping the team, the project, and my workmates.

What three words best describe you?

It takes more than three words.

(925) 449-8300
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