READ THE LATEST ORGMETRICS NEWSLETTER: Improving Project Delivery by Managing Stress
Office Manager
Louisa Garrett joined OrgMetrics as the Office Manager full time in 2023. To the role, she brings 7 years of experience managing events in the wedding industry, which required the ability to juggle multiple vendors while providing outstanding customer service. Prior to weddings, Louisa worked in restaurant management for 8 years, with her favorite involving a staff of more than 325 employees at a major restaurant in Las Vegas. Louisa is deeply connected to family, friends, and the Livermore community as an active, dependable member we can all count on.
I was currently at a crossroads in my working career. I was lucky enough to have gotten to know Rob within our community, our kids’ school and sports. He knew I was looking for something more as my kids were getting older. I feel it was a serendipitous moment when we both realized OrgMetrics would be a perfect fit (for both of us). Now that I’ve been on board as the newest member, I’m incredibly grateful to be a part of such an amazing team!
Ultimately, my goal from the start was to give Rob more time to be with his family. If I can get done what needs to be done in the office to make his job smoother and in less time, that’s it. But this goes without saying, that I in turn want to be as present as possible with my own family. Knowing that there is an equal trust in the office, and family always comes first, it’s a wonderful thing. Check the boxes for my running list of things to do, then off to enjoy my favorite people.
For me it’s the people in my life and memories I like to collect. Things don’t mean much to me, if at all, just more stuff to dust. Music on the other hand is a mental time capsule for me, something I can always fall back on. Funny because I married the collector of all collectors.
Wisconsin in the summer. The house I grew up in, fireflies, lakes, fishing, sunshine, boating, golf, festivals, blues music, the Mississippi River, my parents and fish frys. Makes me homesick just saying it out loud. Every trip fills my cup.
If I had to take 3 things on a deserted island, my jeans would for sure be one of them.
I love eating all foods. Especially when I don’t have to cook it. I’m always hungry!
Otherwise known as nature’s medicine in my book. Adding a beach to this image is icing on the cake.
The kind you can feel it in your bones. This is not only mine, but my husband & kiddos happy place.